All about bracelets for treating blood pressure
All about bracelets for normalizing blood pressure
The peak of popularity of magnetic bracelets occurred in the 80s and 90s of the last century, although
Why do hot flashes occur, how to prevent and treat them?
Why do hot flashes occur, how to prevent and treat them? Contents of the article Tides are sudden
"Actovegin" in the treatment of critical ischemia of the lower extremities
Material and methods The criterion for inclusion in the study was the presence of obliterating atherosclerosis in patients, clinically
Antianginal drug withdrawal syndrome. Clinical significance and precautions
Antianginal drug withdrawal syndrome. Clinical significance and precautions Withdrawal syndrome may occur
Hypertensive encephalopathy
Hypertensive encephalopathy (acute hypertensive encephalopathy)
General description Hypertensive encephalopathy (acute hypertensive encephalopathy) (I67.4) is an acutely or subacutely developing
Retinal angiospasm: definition, diagnosis and treatment
Retinal vasospasm is a functional disorder that is caused by narrowing of the central retinal artery or its branches,
Cervical hernia on MRI.
Electrophoresis for spinal hernia: indications and effectiveness of use
Almost every patient who is admitted to the physiotherapy department due to neurological complications of osteochondrosis, such
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
ROE is normal in the blood of women by age. Table after 40 years, subsidence, what does increased mean, causes and treatment
The abbreviation ESR stands for “erythrocyte sedimentation rate,” measured in millimeters per hour. (In old reference books this
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate and cancer
What does ESR show? ESR is not a specific indicator for any particular disease, i.e.
St. John's wort ointment
How to care for a suture after surgery. Professional assistance at the Stoletnik MC
Causes of varicocele Varicocele is a disease that occurs in men, and is expressed in the expansion of varicose veins.
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