Treatment methods
Adolescence is a period of hormonal changes and active growth, and therefore
Algorithm for choosing antihypertensive therapy for metabolic syndrome and arterial hypertension S.V. Nedogoda, T.A. Chalyabi,
Chronic arterial hypertension is a common medical problem of the 21st century, with which in developed countries
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When stenting may be needed There are several pathological conditions in which this intervention significantly improves
Vascular crises (angiodystonic crises) are acute transient disturbances of systemic hemodynamics or local blood flow caused by
The transition from intrauterine development to life in the outside world is associated with major changes in practically
Detailed description of the study Potassium is one of the main cations (positively charged ions) in the body
Vegetovascular dystonia is a common disease in both adults and children. This pathology
When is Triazavirin indicated? Triazavirin is an antiviral drug. It was developed by institutes of two academies of sciences