Coronary artery bypass surgery
We clean the vessels. What to eat and drink if you have high cholesterol
At the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries, diseases of the cardiovascular system acquired the nature of a pandemic, being
Stages of acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Acute myeloid leukemia (acute non-lymphoblastic leukemia, acute myelogenous leukemia)
Circulatory and lymphatic systems How common are acute leukemias in adults? What causes acute
cholesterol test
Cholesterol in the body: norms for different ages
Cholesterol and its participation in the development of atherosclerosis are written about everywhere, except perhaps
Coronary angioplasty and stenting of coronary arteries
Angioplasty and stenting of the heart arteries is a method of treating coronary heart disease (CHD), which is performed
Two anatomical skeletons facing each other
How much does a person and organs cost? Desperate earnings in 2021
Have you ever wondered, “How much is a person worth?”, or “How much do organs cost?
How to determine what exactly hurts the heart during chest pain?
Annual statistics clearly demonstrate that heart disease consistently holds a leading position in
Zoliclone Anti-D IgM
Laws of blood inheritance by group and Rh factor
Nowadays, human blood is classified according to the ABO system and the Rh factor. According to this classification,
Myocarditis in the daily practice of a doctor (part 1)
Patient complaints can range from mild malaise and mild chest pain to lightning-fast
Queen Elizabeth's family
Which blood group is considered royal, characteristics of people with blue blood
The expression blue blood is familiar to many. Some people think that this is a synonym for the word aristocrat, others
ALT (ALT, Alanine aminotransferase, alanine transaminase, SGPT, Alanine aminotransferase)
What can affect the results Intense physical activity the day before and even several days before
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