Treatment methods
Many patients come to the doctor with an “accurate” diagnosis, made independently. They are sure without examination
Important Notes Glomerular filtration rate is a very accurate and important test, which is why there is also
Changes in heart function in old age The heart is often called the engine of the human body.
What are the similarities between the drugs Panangin and Asparkam - these are medications used among patients
Therapist Olga Igorevna Berezhko Experience 35 years General practitioner of the highest category, member of the Russian
Blood type can tell you a lot about a person. As a rule, it determines his character.
Veins are blood vessels that carry blood to the heart. In its turn
Both indicators are used to assess the level of upper and lower pressure. They change to a greater extent
The formed cells that circulate throughout the body are represented by a wide group of structures. Conventionally, the following can be distinguished
Every person is familiar with the feeling of numbness in the hands, when the loss of sensitivity in the area of the hands is accompanied by the appearance of