Treatment methods
Troxevasin is a widely known drug for venous insufficiency and other vascular pathologies. Active
Methods of treating the disease In Goodpasture syndrome, inflammation of the renal and pulmonary capillaries of immune origin develops,
Monocytes are one of the types of white blood cells. Their functionality is of great importance
Gymnastics for varicose veins is an effective method of preventing and treating the disease. It is also prescribed in
Cardiovascular diseases Cardiovascular diseases most often cause characteristic chest pain on the left. It can
CPK (creatine kinase, creatine phosphokinase) in the blood: what it is, reasons for increased enzyme levels. Among the many
The text is for informational purposes only. We strongly urge you not to use diets or resort to
Does vasospasm occur in children? A little person does not know how to talk about his feelings. He
We continue our series of publications about laboratory blood tests. On our portal you can find
Today, pharmaceutical companies have developed many antihypertensive drugs that help significantly improve the quality of