Treatment methods
Blood osmolarity (BOS) implies plasma osmolarity, since it is in it that osmotically active substances are dissolved.
Blood is taken from a finger prick to perform a complete blood count (CBC), also called a clinical test.
Anisocytosis is a pathological change in the size of red blood cells and platelets that occurs against the background of various
Historically, the doctrine of cardialgia has its roots in ancient Greek medicine, which, despite its strong
12 April 2021 47073 0 3.1 out of 5 Numbness or hypoesthesia of the fingers represents
Coccobacilli are a consequence of the occurrence of sexually transmitted infections in a woman or the development of bacterial vaginosis. Also such
Hyperchromic anemia is a group of blood diseases with a color index above 1.15, characterized by dysfunction
Droppers for high blood pressure are given to relieve a hypertensive crisis. In this case, the account may
An abnormal heart rhythm, or cardiac arrhythmia, occurs when electrical impulses that initiate
Types of bilirubin There are two parts in total bilirubin - bound (conjugated) and free (unconjugated).