Treatment methods
Varicose veins are a vascular pathology when, against the background of connective tissue weakness,
Sometimes patches and home decongestants really “don’t work”, and if they do, then
Normal blood pressure: what is upper and lower pressure Blood pressure is measured using a device
Emerging pain in the heart with osteochondrosis can be reflected or true. In the first case
Implantation of an electrical pacemaker in Tver is carried out by a cardiovascular surgeon, candidate of medical sciences – Ilya Lukin
Valuable components Eggs are unique in their nutritional value. The protein component of the product is
How to increase hemoglobin: Pixabay Lack of iron in the body causes the development of complex internal diseases
Today, there are a huge number of coffee lovers, many of whom simply have no idea
Authors: Currie KD, Floras JS, La Gerche A, Goodman JM. Translation - Sergey Strukov.
Causes of anemia In the vast majority of cases (up to 90%), anemia is caused by iron deficiency. Iron included