Treatment methods
A common disease of immune origin, manifested as inflammation of the walls of the capillaries of the skin and internal organs, is
Valocardine is available in various dosage forms, the most common drug being in the form of drops. Pharmaceutical companies
Causes of high blood pressure High blood pressure is divided into 2 types: primary (essential) hypertension (or
Low hemoglobin is not an independent disease. It is the result of an underlying disease, so when
Blood circulation is a continuous flow of blood that moves through the vessels and cavities of the heart. This
In case of chronic heart failure, as well as in stressful situations, with physical and nervous
Photo: UGC When asked how many liters of blood are in a person, any schoolchild who is familiar with
Doctors Cost Price list Clinic doctors Anemia is a whole category of syndromes that are characterized
Blood is a special type of human connective tissue, without which the functioning of all vital
The heart is a muscular pump that ensures continuous movement of blood through the vessels. Together the heart