Treatment methods
Doctors Cost Price list Clinic doctors Treatment of dizziness in elderly patients is a complex task that
Local therapist Ablyazov Irshat Ravilevich Experience 21 years Local therapist of the highest category. Member of the Russian Scientific Medical
A defibrillator is a device designed to resuscitate and provide emergency assistance to patients. Modern defibrillators can
Immature granulocytes are one of the types of leukocytes - white blood cells that differ in appearance
Heart rate variability means its variability in response to physical, emotional stress and other external,
Hemangioma is a benign formation consisting of blood vessels. The occurrence of hemangioma is associated with venous deviation
A condition in which the rhythm, frequency and depth of breathing is disrupted, and a feeling of air deficiency occurs, is called
Medical technology has reached such a high level that today surgeons can even perform operations on
The first drug with 2000% bioavailability As long as you wait, the chances of getting rid of hypertension are decreasing!
It would seem, what does the kidneys have to do with it, if in our body it is the heart that plays the role