Healthy fats and fatty acids, benefits of Omega 3, 6, 9

According to international statistics, almost a third of the adult population faces the problem of high cholesterol as they age. Against this background, atherosclerosis develops, which is followed by a number of severe and sometimes fatal complications. The primary task of medicine is to find the most modern and effective means for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. One of these is the prescription of Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids for cholesterol. Today we will look at how they affect lipid metabolism, whether they reduce the harmful fraction of fats or not, and also how to take capsules of branded PUFAs.

What are Omega-3s and how do they affect cholesterol levels?

High blood cholesterol most often occurs as a result of poor nutrition – excess animal fats in the diet. But it is a mistake to completely abandon foods containing cholesterol, because its deficiency in the body is just as dangerous as its excess. Cholesterol is a substrate for the production of hormones, vitamins, cell walls and membranes. Nutritional supplements with Omega 3 can not only be an excellent replacement for dietary fats, but also stabilize lipid metabolism.

Omega-3 is a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are not synthesized in the human body . Therefore, if their route of entry is exclusively exogenous, they can be obtained by adding foods containing them to the diet. In order to highlight the hypocholesterol mechanism of the influence of Omega 3, you need to understand what they consist of.

  • Linolenic acid. This is an active compound that can interact with low-density lipoproteins (the harmful fraction of cholesterol) in the bloodstream, accelerating their breakdown and excretion from the bloodstream. An additional effect is the effect on already formed atheromatous plaques - under the influence of linolenic acid they gradually decrease in size, and the affected area of ​​the vessel regains its elasticity, tone and structure.
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Stabilizes the tone of arteries and veins; you can drink it with high systolic pressure. Thus, Omega 3 influences another important link in the pathogenesis of hypercholesterolemia and vascular atherosclerosis - it reduces the manifestations of hypertension. Omega 3 reduces the deforming effect on the arteries and protects their walls from excessive compression. Many scientific sources describe the inhibitory effect of eicosapentaenoic acid on the development of osteoporosis.
  • Docosapentaenoic acid. This compound helps restore absorption activity to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract more fully, and also helps the body stabilize the production of endogenous vitamins and other active substances.
  • Docosahexane acid (DHA). This component is especially necessary during pregnancy, lactation and childhood. This acid is responsible for the adequate formation and development of the nervous system, especially the brain.

In addition to the pronounced hypocholesterol effect, PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) - Omega 3 reduce the risk of tumors, increase immunity, reduce blood viscosity, help the digestive and cardiovascular systems function properly, and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. It is important to remember that only a competent treating doctor has the right to prescribe drugs containing PUFAs.

What are fatty acids

Fatty acids are a kind of “building material” from which fats are directly composed. Among these compounds there are those in the absence of which adequate functioning of internal organs and systems is impossible. These are unsaturated Omega acids.

The molecules of these substances differ in their structure. They are conventionally divided into two groups:

  1. monounsaturated, when there is one double bond between adjacent carbon atoms (Omega-9);
  2. polyunsaturated, if there are two or more such bonds (Omega-3, Omega-6).

The number in the name indicates where this double bond is located. For example, in Omega-3 it is located after the third carbon atom from the end of the chain.

Unsaturated fatty acids help strengthen immune defense and preserve vision. Especially important for children. A child who consumes a sufficient amount of Omega increases resistance to stress, improves memory and concentration. Such children develop better and master educational programs.

Not many people know that fatty acids help get rid of excess weight. They provide the necessary level of “good” cholesterol and reduce the content of “bad” cholesterol. Studies have shown that these compounds stimulate metabolic processes. Food is better absorbed, the body stops accumulating “reserves”. Omega activates the synthesis of the PPAR-alpha protein, which burns subcutaneous fat and fights fatty liver.

Fatty acids are important for athletes. They increase endurance, help the heart cope with increased stress, and normalize blood pressure.

All three types of acids are needed to maintain health, since their effects are slightly different.

Omega-3 in food

Omega 3 unsaturated acids are not produced in our body, so you can get them from food or supplements. The requirement for PUFAs is 1600 mg for men and 1100 for women. To achieve a hypocholesterol effect, this figure should be slightly higher. An analysis of Omega 3 content in food found that the largest amounts are found in the following sources:

  • Vegetable-based oils - from flax, pumpkins, mustard, rapeseed, nuts, avocado. It is allowed to use it in its natural form - ground seeds of these plants also help reduce cholesterol.
  • Seafood. These include primarily fatty sea fish - herring and Atlantic sardine (Omega 3-1530 mg per 100 grams of product), mackerel and salmon (up to 1300 mg per 100 grams), flounder (above 500 mg per 100 grams). This category also includes fish oil, the best known and most concentrated source of Omega 3.
  • Meat products from wild animals.
  • Seaweed - they are the primary source of unsaturated acids and phospholipids for fish. Therefore, it is recommended to buy natural fish rather than farmed fish. Microalgae oil is sold in pharmacies and also contains a high concentration of Omega 3.
  • Chia seeds. They contain not only unsaturated fats, but also a wide group of antioxidants that have a positive effect on lipid metabolism.

Excess fatty acids

In Russia, people rarely suffer from excess Omega-3; the opposite situation is more often observed. If there is a lot of this group of acids, a person may experience surges in blood pressure, a tendency to bleeding and long wound healing, and muscle weakness. Increased anxiety, irritability, and depression are possible.

Symptoms of increased consumption of Omega-6 and Omega-9 are similar. Eating fatty foods in large quantities causes problems such as:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • excess weight;
  • alopecia;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • eczema;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • infertility;
  • mental disorders;
  • digestive abnormalities;
  • blood thickening.

It is not possible to compensate for the lack of one fatty acid with an additional supply of another. All substances are needed, and in certain proportions.

Omega-3 preparations in capsules

To compensate for Omega 3 in the body, you can use products from the pharmaceutical industry - patented anti-cholesterol medications. According to medical recommendations, in the pharmacy you can buy krill oil , fish oil, capsulated preparations with a concentrate of PUFAs in the form of triglycerides - Omacor, Omega-Red, Oceanol.

  1. California Gold Nutrition Omega-3 Fish Oil (100 Capsules).
  2. Solgar Omega-3 Fish Oil (240 capsules).
  3. Now Foods Omega-3, 180 EPA/120 DHA, (500 tablets).
  4. 21st Century Omega-3 Fish Oil, 1000 mg (300 capsules).
  5. Nordic Naturals Omega-3 Lemon Flavor, 237 ml.

These medications are taken with food. The dosage, duration of therapy and frequency of administration are determined only by the doctor. Taking into account all the features of the diagnosis, the patient’s condition, concomitant diseases, age, gender, medical history, etc., an individual treatment regimen is drawn up.


A person who wants to free his body from bad cholesterol must remember moderation. In case of an overdose of omega acids, people may experience heavy bleeding even with a minor injury. In the worst case, hemarthrosis develops - hemorrhage occurs in the joint cavity. The most dangerous side effect of long-term, uncontrolled use of dietary supplements containing omega acids is hypotension.

Doctors do not recommend taking medications containing these acids to people with allergies or people suffering from liver pathologies. Otherwise, there is a serious risk of exacerbation of diseases.

Main functions

Omega 3 is involved in many important processes in the body. Acid promotes the production of the hormone prostaglandin, which is responsible for the state of the immune system, gastrointestinal tract and kidney function, blood pressure and the formation of many other hormones.

Main functions of omega 3:

  1. Prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, reducing the amount of fat in the blood. The substance allows you to reduce the rate of formation of plaques and thrombotic deposits on the walls of blood vessels. It is recommended to regularly consume omega 3 for patients who have suffered a stroke. This will help minimize relapse of the disease.
  2. Reducing joint discomfort in rheumatoid arthritis. Eating foods that contain omega 3 helps relieve joint pain and stiffness. During treatment of the disease, it enhances the effect of anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. Formation of healthy visual organs and nervous system in the fetus during a woman’s pregnancy.
  4. Prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
  5. Reducing “bad” cholesterol in the blood. Science has proven that regular consumption of acid stimulates the body’s ability to resist the formation of cholesterol plaques by increasing the content of “good” cholesterol.
  6. Stabilization of blood pressure by following a diet containing omega 3.
  7. Reduced markers of diabetes. Omega 3 acids help increase the level of “good” cholesterol, which inevitably has a positive effect on the severity of diabetes.
  8. Anticancer function. Cancer of the rectum, prostate and breast have the prerequisites for development against the background of a deficiency of fatty acids. A stable level of omega 3 in the body can reduce the risk of cancer.

The complex of acids contained in unsaturated fat is necessary to maintain the healthy state of the body's cells. Omega 3 is involved in the life and nutrition of cells.

A deficiency of the substance can lead to destruction of the membrane membrane, subsequently the cell itself, or pathological changes in its functions.

Where can I get fish oil?

Having found out whether you can take fish oil if you have high cholesterol, you just have to decide where to get it. Don’t think about how difficult it is to choose the right ingredients, because there are several simple ways to obtain useful substances.

Where can I get a folk remedy?

  1. Pharmacy;
  2. Food.

Does fish oil lower blood cholesterol? Yes, which is why taking it is often mandatory for some patients. Moreover, anti-cholesterol fish oil is even prescribed by specialists instead of medications.


Fish oil for lowering blood cholesterol is usually purchased at the pharmacy. It is available in the form of small capsules with a yellow liquid, and its cost remains insignificant. If cholesterol is elevated and fish oil capsules are taken by a person, there is no need to worry about the development of diseases.

The easiest way to purchase the required product is at the pharmacy. Fish oil for high cholesterol remains the only simple and reliable solution. Because of this, it is better to purchase it again in order to use it in accordance with the doctor’s recommendation. This will eliminate unnecessary difficulties and allow you to cope with potential danger.


Fish oil lowers blood cholesterol levels, so you should turn to fatty varieties of fish, such as mackerel, salmon, trout, tuna, sardines, cod and halibut.

By including them in your diet, you can once and for all solve the problem of disruption of the cardiovascular system. Nutritionists constantly talk about this, but the population continues to make mistakes, and then end up in hospitals to restore the normal state of the body.


Experts call the benefits of fish oil for the heart and blood vessels undeniable. Therefore, to lower cholesterol levels and prevent its growth, it is recommended, first of all, to consume fish varieties rich in Omega-3 acids. In addition to the already mentioned tuna, salmon and cod, salmon and mackerel, it is recommended to eat halibut and trout, and sardines.

If you make the menu fish twice a week, you can achieve tangible success - cholesterol will begin to decrease. True, it is necessary to follow a diet in which there is no place for foods that provoke an increase in “harmful substances” in the blood.

You can also achieve results with the help of pharmaceutical drugs. We are talking about the use of capsules containing fish oil. They will not cause discomfort if you strictly follow the instructions. Since the product has a specific odor, it is swallowed, trying not to break the integrity of the capsule. In addition, this eliminates the occurrence of flatulence.

If you follow your doctor’s recommendations, you will not only be able to solve the main problem - stabilize cholesterol levels, but also speed up your metabolism, lose weight, improve the condition of your nails and hair, and skin elasticity.

A valuable source of Omega-3 acids increases appetite, so along with taking the medicine it is necessary to increase physical activity.

How to choose the right one

Rancidity and the appearance of an unpleasant odor of fish oil, as well as increased belching after taking it, are a clear signal that the drug should not be taken. A high-quality product is produced in such a way as to prevent and eliminate all these processes.

When choosing a supplement at the pharmacy, pay attention to the proportion of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids in its composition. Popular brands include Moller Omega-3 250 ml., Red Omega NOW, Omakor

High-quality preparations contain up to 95% of the above-mentioned acids.

Recommended dosage

The instructions detail how to take fish oil if your cholesterol level increases. However, it is better to consult your doctor first. After all, only a specialist can determine your dosage: it depends on weight, age, metabolism, presence of diseases and daily activity.

  • With a high level of low-density lipids, take 5 grams per day (1 capsule = 1-2 g), treatment lasts 3 months.
  • For preventive purposes - 1-2 capsules.
  • When cholesterol levels are not critical, 3 grams per day is enough.
  • To equalize pressure, drink 4 capsules within 12 hours.

If you bought the drug in liquid form, then take approximately 25-30 ml per day. oils

By the way, fish oil in this form is usually prescribed to children. Dosage for a child:

  • from 1 month to a year is 3 drops twice a day;
  • from 1 year to 1.5 - 1 teaspoon 2 times a day;
  • 1.5-2 years - you can drink 2 spoons twice a day;
  • after 3 years - a medium spoon twice a day;
  • from 7 years - 1 large spoon 2-3 times a day.

Fish oil should be taken in doses, otherwise you only increase the likelihood of problems with blood vessels and heart.

The supplement is best absorbed during meals. Taking the drug on an empty stomach may result in nausea or vomiting. During the course, measure your indicators once a month.

Fish oil during pregnancy

Separately, it is worth mentioning the peculiarities of reception by women expecting the birth of a child. During this period, a deficiency of PUFAs is often recorded, which are spent on the development of the embryo, so their additional intake into the body is desirable. There are studies confirming the effect of Omega 3 aimed at preventing preeclampsia, a dangerous birth complication that results in extremely high blood pressure that threatens the life of the mother in labor.

Fatty acids are the initial product of the hormone prostaglandin, which affects the compression of blood vessels and stimulation of the cervix.

Accordingly, consumption of PUFAs helps prevent premature birth. Due to the already mentioned effect on the level of the hormone serotonin, Omega 3 also protects a woman from postpartum depression.

Pregnant women who want to replace their medications by including large amounts of fresh fish in their diet should be aware of the possible contamination of seafood with heavy toxic metals and radionuclides. In this case, a pharmaceutical drug is preferable. The dosage of the course for expectant mothers, which in no case should be exceeded, should be prescribed only by their doctor.

How to choose fish oil

Pharmacies most often offer fish oil capsules as a supplement containing omega-3. Is it really that useful?

When taking oils or fish oil in capsules, you cannot know whether the oil is rancid or whether the temperature was observed; in addition, it is more expensive than buying oil in a bottle or seeds in bulk.

Fish oil, to be safe, must be made from the carcass of the fish, not the liver. This is explained by the fact that the liver of fish, as a filter organ, contains an extremely high amount of mercury. Also, there are few omega-3 acids in the liver; there is more of it in the body of fish. But doses of vitamins A and D in fish oil can be dangerous. It is better if the additive is made from fish from northern waters.

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