VSD and contrast shower: how to turn a useful procedure into an enjoyable one

Author: Elena Degtyar, candidate of biological sciences, head of the scientific department of the School of the Ideal Body #SEKTA.

Constant hardening leads to an increase in the production of norepinephrine, as well as beta-endorphin, a neurotransmitter responsible for overall well-being.

Regular exposure to cold water improves immunity and is recommended for a long list of diseases. However, although these effects have been scientifically proven, the mechanisms by which hydrotherapy improves these conditions are unknown.

How the hardening procedure is viewed in scientific circles is in our new article.

In a textbook on physical therapy and sports medicine, Professor Vitaly Epifanov defines hardening as “regular and dosed exposure to various natural factors unusual for the human body, such as water, air, atmospheric pressure, low and high temperatures.” It is carried out with the aim of increasing the functional reserves of the body and its resistance to environmental changes, be it weather and climatic conditions, stress or illness.

Regular hardening leads to adaptation of all body systems and strengthens the endocrine and immune systems.

Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to find a suitable translation of the term “hardening” in the scientific literature. However, if you narrow your search to the use of hydrotherapy (water therapy), in particular, to contrast showers or dousing with cold water, there are many scientific studies that are ready to confirm the health benefits of these procedures.

In 2014, the North American Journal of Medicine published a review of the scientifically proven positive effects of hydrotherapy. In the conclusion of the review, the authors of the article wrote: “Hydrotherapy can be used to strengthen the immune system and prevent pain, chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems, leads to improvement in asthma, Parkinson’s disease, arthritis, chronic fatigue, obesity, anorexia, high blood pressure and overheating. Different effects occur depending on the water temperature .

However, although these effects have been scientifically proven, the mechanisms by which hydrotherapy improves these conditions are unknown . This is a major drawback of hydrotherapy methods and requires additional biochemical and physiological studies to understand these processes.”

Cold water douches lead to physiological and biochemical changes in the body, such as increased heart rate (pulse), blood pressure and metabolism, but the molecular processes that contribute to this are unknown.

The effect of a contrast shower on health

Research shows that regular dousing with cold water reduces the incidence of infectious diseases and improves the immune system.
In 2015, Dutch scientists studied the effects of contrast showers on people's health. The study involved more than 3,000 people aged 18 to 65 years, asking them to finish their water treatments with a cold shower for 30, 60 and 90 seconds every day for a month.

The results of the study showed that among the participants in the experiment who adhered to the regimen, the number of sick days taken decreased by 30%. Participants who led an active lifestyle and performed daily physical activity also took fewer sick days, and in the group of physically active people using contrast showers, their number decreased by 50%.

What examinations are needed for excessive sweating and how to deal with it

Murzaeva Irina Yurievna

Endocrinologist, Preventive Medicine Doctor

July 10, 2014

The long-awaited summer and warmth has arrived. There was a need to raise this topic. Excessive sweating (or hyperhidrosis) comes in varying degrees of severity. This is a problem that causes discomfort to a huge number of people every day, limiting their usual life and wardrobe choices.

A little classification:

  • there is sweating in certain areas of the body, local hyperhidrosis: only the palms, or only the feet, or only the armpits, or other areas of the body (areas under the breasts, inguinal folds, scalp, face);
  • there is sweating widespread throughout the body, diffuse hyperhidrosis.

In any case, before starting treatment, it is worth finding out the possible causes of sweating.

More often there are 2 forms of local hyperhidrosis: palmar-plantar, axillary, in these 2 cases, as a rule, there is no need to look for the cause, such sweating is constitutionally caused: it is either a lot of sweat glands in these areas of the body, or they respond much more actively to stimulation by stress and etc., or there is double autonomic innervation (activity associated with the supply of nerves to the organ) of the sweat glands.

But increased sweating in other areas may depend on specific reasons:

sweating of the head - as a manifestation of VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia), menopause, arterial hypertension;

sweating of skin folds – fungal infection, carbohydrate metabolism disorders, obesity, etc.;

sweating of the face - as a condition after infectious damage to the salivary glands, damage to the facial nerve, etc.

There may be areas of hyperhidrosis around psoriatic plaques, areas of vitiligo (skin pigmentation disorders).

There may be even more reasons for widespread hyperhidrosis; they are divided into groups.

  1. Endocrine: DTG (diffuse toxic goiter), diabetes mellitus, pheochromocytoma, hypoglycemia, acromegaly, carcinoid syndrome.
  2. Infectious (acute and chronic): tonsillitis, tuberculosis, malaria and many others.
  3. Neurological: parkinsonism, condition after a stroke, diencephalic syndrome, VSD (or NCD), just stress (psychogenic hyperhidrosis), anxiety disorder, etc.
  4. Oncological: lymphomas, erythremia, etc.
  5. Genetic syndromes: cystic fibrosis, etc.
  6. Prem medications: Aspirin, insulin, Promedol, some painkillers, etc.

Tremors, agitation, and excessive sweating may be characteristic symptoms of acute alcohol and opiate withdrawal reactions.

Naturally, all these pathologies have additional symptoms, which only a doctor can deal with by prescribing the appropriate examination, including hormonal examination.

Now the main question is how to deal with this?

When clarifying a specific pathology, for example, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, etc. - treatment of the underlying disease. In the absence of causes of hyperhidrosis (constitutional, idiopathic), the following can be used as auxiliary local therapy:

  1. if we are talking about common hyperhidrosis, this is hardening (take a contrast shower twice a day, 30 seconds with cold and 30 seconds with hot water. Shower for 15 minutes, after waking up in the morning and evening), use of a cryosauna, IRT (acupuncture), sunny - air baths.
  2. if it is local hyperhidrosis, there are also several methods of treatment. You can solve the problem radically (especially if hyperhidrosis interferes with professional activities) - with the help of injections of Dysport, Botox in the palms, feet or axillary areas. There are attempts to treat hyperhidrosis with other surgical methods - surgical curettage ("husking") of the sweat glands, liposuction of the armpits, endoscopic sympathectomy - removal of nerve fibers approaching the sweat glands (more often with sweaty palms).

A new treatment method has emerged - removal of sweat glands using a neodymium laser.

Locally, you can use antiperspirant-type products (blocking sweat glands), the most effective of which are: for feet - Dry-Dry foot antiperspirant, Oriflaim antiperspirant spray "Active Care", for palms - Dry-Dry, Odaban hand lotion, for the axillary areas - MAXIM, Dry-Dry, Odaban, Lavilin from HLAVIN (used once every 3-5 days), BIOTHERM deo pure, Clinic Dry Form (every other day), Rexona “Long-term protection”, Clarins (daily). Among deodorants that eliminate only odor: LUSH TEO, Weleda (citrus deodorant), etc.

Antiperspirants do not need to be used daily!, unlike deodorants. This is not very favorable, especially if you are prone to swelling; blocking the sweat glands can increase this swelling!

You can also resort to traditional methods of treatment, but this is for ardent opponents of “chemistry” 8):

For hyperhidrosis of the palms: hot hand baths with salt water. For a liter of water, take 3 tablespoons of salt - table or sea. Place your hands in the water and hold until it cools down. Remove and pat dry with a napkin without rinsing. Do baths twice a day

For foot hyperhidrosis. Baths with potassium permanganate (the water should be pink) give good results. If the sweating of the feet is moderate, you can wipe the feet (the skin of the feet and the spaces between the toes) after washing with a solution of salicylic or boric alcohol, and then treat with a mixture of powder and boric acid (1:20).

Teymurov's pasta. Before using the paste, wash your feet thoroughly with soap and water and dry thoroughly. The paste is rubbed into the skin of the feet for 1-3 minutes. The course of treatment with Teymurov paste usually lasts 3-4 days, a second course of treatment can be carried out after a week.

The champion in popularity among folk remedies for treating hyperhidrosis is considered to be oak bark tincture . To prepare the tincture, you need to pour one spoon of oak bark with boiled water, one liter is enough. You can additionally boil the resulting mixture for 5 minutes and leave it to brew for half an hour. Then we lower our arms or legs there. It is worth carrying out at least 10 such procedures, once a day. Oak bark baths can also be made with milk; you only need one glass. The mixture will need to be kept on low heat for about half an hour after it boils. You can prepare a bath: pour 0.5 kg of oak bark into 4 liters of water and boil for 30 minutes, strain and add the decoction to the bath water.

Folk remedies for hyperhidrosis should be used with the same caution as medications. It is important that folk wisdom be used wisely, so involve a specialist in resolving this issue.

In order to strengthen the nervous system in case of excessive sweating, sedatives are used: infusion or tincture of valerian, belladonna preparations - Bellataminal, infusion or tincture of motherwort. Water infusions are taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

The Drionik physiotherapeutic device gives good results.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude spicy, salty and spicy foods from the diet. They promote profuse sweating; alcohol and coffee also increase sweating.

You should not wear synthetic clothes if you sweat excessively; they do not allow air to pass through and promote even more sweat. In addition, synthetic clothing retains the pungent odor of sweat for a long time.

B vitamins, calcium, iron, vitamin D are often added to treatment - their lack can also cause sweating, especially vitamin D deficiency.

I hope my advice will be useful to you. Good luck!

Effect of cold water on recovery

A huge amount of research has been devoted to studying the effect of cold water on recovery after exercise. The results showed that such procedures effectively relieve fatigue immediately after training and reduce the manifestation of muscle pain. One of the proposed mechanisms leading to this effect is a reduction in blood flow in the muscle and a local decrease in temperature in the tissues, which leads to a decrease in inflammation in them.

Procedures in which athletes are immersed in water at a temperature of
10-20°C for 5-10 minutes . Regular swimming in cold water in winter with increasing duration relieves stress, fatigue, improves mood and memory. Those suffering from rheumatism, fibromyalgia and asthma experience an improvement in overall well-being and an increased pain threshold. Local application of cold reduces tissue metabolism, relieves swelling, reduces muscle spasms and may have an anesthetic effect.

Cold showers reduce anxiety

A study was conducted on patients suffering from anxiety disorders, comparing the use of hydrotherapy with the use of the drug Paxil. In the study, 237 patients with anxiety disorders were randomly assigned to balneotherapy (a treatment using water baths) and 120 were given the drug Paxil, a leading SSRI drug.

Patients treated with balneotherapy were examined weekly by a doctor and underwent bath procedures with mineral water every day for 21 days. Anxiety scores improved in both groups, but the hydrotherapy group had better results compared to those taking Paxil. Remission was also higher in the hydrotherapy group, and there were no side effects.

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The effect of cold water on mental disorders

The most interesting research on the benefits of regular cold water procedures lies in the field of mental disorders. Cold water is known to activate the sympathetic nervous system, which turns on the body's readiness to act. This is a kind of physiological stress that requires the body to use all internal organs and systems to return to normal body temperature, which can be beneficial not only for the central nervous system, but also for the entire body as a whole.

Cold water treatments lead to an increase in the level of beta-endorphin and norepinephrine in the blood. Norepinephrine is one of the most important neurotransmitters (along with serotonin) that many of the existing antidepressants target (these drugs aim to increase the level of norepinephrine in brain cells). This hormone is also able to cross the brain blood barrier and increase cerebral blood flow.

It is believed that due to the presence of a large number of cold receptors on the surface of the skin, cold showers cause the transmission of electrical impulses from peripheral nerve endings to the central nervous system, which in turn can reduce symptoms of depression.

In addition, constant hardening leads to an increase in the production of beta-endorphin - another neurotransmitter responsible for overall well-being - and a decrease in pain through opioid receptors.

To summarize, we can say without a doubt that dousing with cold water is good for health.

However, you should not, under the impression of the positive effects of hardening, run outside without shoes and walk barefoot in the snow or rush to the nearest ice hole - a gradual approach is needed here, as with any kind of training. Sudden changes in temperature are a physiological shock for the body, and you need to approach the issue wisely.

It will be useful to start hardening with cold water of not very low temperature, then gradually reduce the temperature and increase the duration of the procedures.

References: 1. The Effect of Cold Showering on Health and Work: A Randomized Controlled TrialGeert A. Buijze, Inger N. Sierevelt, Bas CJM van der Heijden, Marcel G. Dijkgraaf, Monique HW Frings-Dresen. 2. Scientific evidence-based effects of hydrotherapy on various systems of the body. A Mooventhan, L Nivethitha.

Take a contrast shower to wake up without coffee and strengthen your immune system

A contrast shower is a hygienic procedure in which cold and hot water alternate according to a certain pattern. Thanks to exposure to low temperatures (or hardening), the body's resistance to cold increases, and by stimulating the immune response, we can talk about the prevention of ARVI. A hardened person has accelerated metabolic processes and well-developed thermoregulation, which, in turn, allows him to retain heat longer when cooling. Changing the shower to a hot one reduces the risk of overheating the body (this occurs due to increased sweating and changes in the composition of sweat) and helps the cardiovascular system adapt to high temperatures.

Additional bonuses of a contrast shower include stabilization of the emotional background, acceleration of metabolism, stimulation of hair follicles (hair falls out less and grows better), muscle relaxation (and, as a result, reduction of back pain) and skin cleansing. In addition, a contrast shower enhances the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, and also leads to a reduction in subcutaneous fat deposits and tissue swelling.

How to take it correctly?

The procedure should not be carried out within the first hour after waking up, or later than two hours before bedtime. Before you start alternating temperatures, you must stand under warm water for at least five minutes. You should feel warmed up. Next, turn on cool (but not ice-cold) water for 40–60 seconds, then switch to hot (but not scalding) water for 40–60 seconds. Repeat the sequence three times, finishing with cold water.

Are there any contraindications?

Not everyone can take a contrast shower. Contraindications include anemia, cardiovascular diseases, malignant neoplasms, pregnancy and lactation, skin diseases, menstruation, elevated body temperature, diseases of the hematopoietic system, consequences of stroke and other severe neurological pathologies, thrombophlebitis, benign tumors of the female genital organs, respiratory viral infections, malaria. In case of vegetative dystonia syndrome, the procedure has a number of features that can only be determined by a doctor.

A contrast shower will not replace taking vitamins necessary to maintain the functioning of the nervous system. It also does not compensate for vitamin D deficiency. Therefore, to achieve maximum benefits from such water procedures, it is necessary to adhere to an integrated approach, that is, go to a doctor who will determine a list of necessary activities that complement each other.

What else do you need to know?

Some people believe that taking a cold shower after vigorous physical activity is beneficial, especially in the summer heat. Actually this is not correct. People who engage in active sports and those whose work involves physical labor must remember that they should not take a contrast shower immediately after training.

This is explained by the fact that during physical activity the muscles warm up, and cold water can trigger the development of the inflammatory process.

The most important condition for properly taking a contrast shower is that the procedure should bring pleasure! If you feel discomfort from a sudden change in water temperature, it is better to choose alternative methods of treating vegetative-vascular dystonia.

What could go wrong?

We react to cold water as to stress: the heart begins to beat very quickly, the pulse and breathing become more frequent, and the pressure rises. Healthy people effectively cope with short episodes of stress, but for “heart” and “lung patients” such experiments can result in serious problems.

The remaining warnings are within the bounds of common sense: do not get scalded and do not get hypothermic. Also, do not replace a contrast shower with taking medications and other medical procedures.

Ready to try?

We provide instructions that are approved by experts.

During a regular shower, you need to make the water temperature hot, but still comfortable for the skin. When you feel that you have warmed up well, turn on the cold one. It is better if the water does not cool gradually, but immediately switches to a low temperature. In this case, the head should be left warm and not watered with cold water.

You need to stand under an invigorating shower for at least half a minute, more is not necessary. In some experiments, participants spent up to several minutes under cold water, but the effectiveness of the procedure did not increase with its duration. If you choose to cool down for longer than 30 seconds, increase your shower time gradually.

The procedure can be repeated three to five times in a row. Although even one switch of the shower was enough for participants in the Dutch experiment to improve their well-being. You need to end the contrast shower on a cold note. Rub yourself thoroughly with a towel and get dressed immediately.

Why is physiotherapy more useful than drugs for vegetative-vascular dystonia?

In fact, it is wrong to talk about VSD as a disease; they want to use this term more conveniently. Dystonia is not a disease. This is a neuropsychiatric disorder expressed in a complex of symptoms. Manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia are very diverse. Their number and intensity depend on many factors: age, gender of the patient, general health, personality type and much more.

VSD can be a consequence of other diseases, as a concomitant disorder. Diseases of the endocrine system, consequences of traumatic brain injury and some diseases of the nervous system give symptoms very similar to vegetative dystonia. Therefore, it is always necessary to undergo a thorough diagnosis to identify or exclude somatic diseases.

In most cases, physiological diseases and other somatic factors causing VSD are not detected in people. There are symptoms (and sometimes very strong ones), but there are no causes as such. In such cases, dystonia is of a psychosomatic nature. That is, it arises against the background of psychological problems that a person cannot cope with for a long time. The reason may also be banal overwork, both physical and moral.

Why is VSD poorly treated with medications? Can a pill cure a mental problem or body fatigue? Of course not.

Most medications that are used for VSD and neuroses simply relieve symptoms, but do not get rid of the cause. Medicines are useful and necessary when terrible symptoms simply do not allow you to lead a normal life. But you should understand that various types of antidepressants, sedatives, tranquilizers, and adrenaline blockers themselves do not cure anything. The same cannot be said about physical therapy.

Since VSD is an imbalance of the nervous and vascular systems, they need to be strengthened. You can’t strengthen blood vessels with medications, but sweat exercises, contrast showers, massages can even tone them up.

Fortunately, during my VSD crisis (many years have passed since then), I quickly realized that the pills would not save me and abandoned them, leaving only a mixture of herbs (valerian, hawthorn, motherwort) in therapy.

The benefits of the procedure for VSD

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia occur against the background of impaired functioning of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system. The functioning of blood vessels in the skin and internal organs is disrupted with the development of a characteristic clinical picture (headache, tingling in the heart, shortness of breath, tachycardia).

This stabilizes the functions of the autonomic system through induced stress. Other positive properties:

  • Toning the body . Releases of new portions of adrenaline activate the functioning of organs and increase their performance.
  • Strengthening the immune system . With its help, they eliminate the symptoms of VSD, and also prevent respiratory viral diseases.
  • Normalization of vascular function . The constant expansion and contraction of superficial arteries and veins makes them elastic, resilient, ready for a sharp change in diameter depending on external conditions.

The last factor is important and useful for patients with VSD, as it can stabilize the condition and improve well-being at home.


Even such useful restorative physiotherapy has its contraindications.

You should not take a contrast shower if:

  • Acute inflammatory and infectious processes.
  • Critical blood pressure levels (both high and low).
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Neurites.
  • Acute cerebrovascular accidents.
  • Pathologies of hematopoiesis.
  • Serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Severe osteochondrosis of the spine.
  • Oncological tumors.
  • Severe forms of psycho-emotional disorders.

Before you start taking a contrast shower for VSD, you need to consult with your doctor, inform him about all existing diseases (if any) and make sure that this technique is not contraindicated for you.


You should not do a contrast shower immediately after physical training. This is too much stress on the body, which is fraught with negative consequences. After playing sports, at least 30 minutes should pass, after which you can take this water procedure.

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What mechanisms are hidden behind a contrast shower?

Although scientists have demonstrated that contrast procedures reduce pain, swelling, muscle congestion and even improve overall well-being, how this effect is achieved is not fully understood.

There is a hypothesis that in the acute phase of dousing, when we are trembling, the concentration of cortisol and norepinephrine increases. In this case, the greatest physiological reaction to exposure to cold water is observed in the first 30 seconds. This means that it is most likely initiated by neurogenic pathways rather than by circulating hormones. But activation of the sympathetic nervous system fully explains the long-term antidepressant effects.

Researchers also claim that the alternating contraction and relaxation of blood vessels creates a pump effect and accelerates blood flow. They are objected to that the cooling during a contrast shower is very superficial. Intramuscular temperature does not change enough to create this “pump.” Other authors have suggested that swelling is relieved by flushing out excess fluid through the lymphatic system. But the movement of lymph requires muscle contraction and does not depend on blood circulation.

Misunderstandings between scientists do not allow us to explain the effects of contrast showers only by physiological mechanisms. Perhaps psychological factors are involved or the placebo effect is triggered. The issue requires further study.

Muscle relaxation

Relaxation exercises provide a double effect. Firstly, they reduce the level of general tension and help reduce the manifestations of panic disorder. Secondly, after a few weeks the body firmly remembers the feeling of peace and tranquility that appears during muscle relaxation. After this, the exercise can be used when the first symptoms of a panic attack occur in order to prevent an attack.

There are several muscle relaxation techniques. Their detailed descriptions can be easily found on the Internet. Whatever technique you choose, remember that there are two rules.

The exercise should be performed in a calm environment, without distractions and without rushing anywhere. And in this case, a “one-time action” is not enough. Only systematic exercise can provide noticeable results.

"Universal" techniques

There are simple rules that it would be useful to remind all those who suffer from panic disorder:

  • Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep, both single and chronic, reduces the stability of the nervous system and increases the likelihood of symptoms of a panic attack.
  • Exercise regularly. Swimming, visiting a fitness club and even the most ordinary exercise are an excellent way to improve not only your physical but also your mental state. In addition, this is a good way to expand the “borders” of your life, which for people suffering from panic disorder often becomes poor in pleasant experiences. Just without fanaticism! And, when choosing the type and intensity of physical activity, do not forget to consult your doctor.
  • Try not to use stimulants: strong tea and coffee, nicotine and especially alcohol. Immediately after drinking alcohol, the manifestations of panic disorder decrease. This is where the danger lies. Drinking one or two drinks before an alarming situation quickly becomes a habit, and then it’s not far from alcoholism. In addition, a hangover provokes panic attacks. Well, it’s not worth talking about what panic is against the background of a hangover.
  • Eat regularly. When a person is hungry, their blood sugar levels drop, which can contribute to the symptoms of a panic attack.

And while taking care of your body, don’t forget about your soul. The origins of panic disorder lie in unresolved psychological problems, therefore, in order to completely eliminate the symptoms of panic attacks, it is necessary to work with a psychotherapist.

Is there an alternative?

If this procedure is not suitable for you for some reason, there are many other ways to get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia. These include:

  • folk remedies;

  • meditation;
  • sports and yoga;
  • sound therapy;
  • chromotherapy (color treatment);
  • adaptation therapy;
  • drug treatment.

Before taking medications, you should consult your doctor! As for water procedures, a contrast shower for VSD can be replaced with hydromassage, exercise in the pool (swimming, water aerobics) or a warm bath with relaxing aromatic oils.

A contrast shower is the best way for vegetative-vascular dystonia to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, feel a surge of strength, increase tone and restore vitality!

An active lifestyle, regular water treatments and a healthy lifestyle are necessary conditions for maintaining good health and high performance.

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Author of the article:

Elena Demidova

about the author

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