Which is better - Phlebodia or Detralex? Comparison of drugs: effectiveness, side effects, prices - Useful information for everyone - tips and recommendations from belmathematics.by

In recent years, vein diseases have increasingly affected the younger generation. Most often women have to deal with varicose veins. The reason for this may be incorrect and uncomfortable shoes, high heels, childbirth and hereditary predisposition. Hemorrhoids can be called more of a male disease. It is usually encountered by representatives of the stronger sex who lead an unhealthy lifestyle, and those people whose professional activities involve sitting for long periods of time.

It is not only possible to treat such diseases, but also necessary. Otherwise, this may lead to the need for surgical intervention and very unpleasant consequences. From this article you will find out which is better - Phlebodia or Detralex. It is worth talking about the pros and cons of both drugs and drawing a conclusion about their effectiveness.

The active ingredient of both drugs

Which is better - Phlebodia or Detralex? Before answering this question, it is worth understanding the composition of the medications.

The main active ingredient contained in the drug Detralex is diosmin. Its amount in one tablet is 450 milligrams. This is approximately 90 percent of the entire composition. The capsules also contain hesperidin. Its amount is only 50 milligrams. In addition, the tablets contain glycerol, white wax, talc, magnesium stearate, gelatin and other components.

The drug "Phlebodia" includes the following components: diosmin in the amount of 600 milligrams. This substance is the main active one. The tablets have an additional composition, which also has a beneficial effect on the human body. However, these components are not considered medicinal.

The effectiveness of drugs and their effect on the patient’s body

Which is better - Phlebodia or Detralex? There is currently no consensus on this matter. Some specialists prefer to prescribe a proven and old drug (Detralex). Others prefer the new and more effective “Phlebodia”. What is the effect of these drugs on the human body?

The medicine "Detralex" and "Phlebodia" have a similar effect on the patient's veins and vessels. After using the drugs, angioprotective effects are observed. The walls of blood vessels and veins become stronger and more elastic. Capillaries reduce their permeability and are less likely to rupture.

Both agents thin the blood and help push it out of the veins of the lower extremities. Swelling and pain in the legs are relieved quite quickly. If the drug is used to treat hemorrhoids, it promotes the resorption of nodes and reduces pain during bowel movements. Which is better - Phlebodia or Detralex? Let's look at the pros and cons of these medications separately.

The effectiveness of Detralex

The drug begins to act within a few hours after administration. This is due to the fact that its components are quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and enter the blood. The drug is excreted in feces and urine within approximately 11 hours from the moment of administration. This is why it is recommended to use the medicine twice a day. This scheme makes it possible to achieve greater effectiveness of the drug.

For a noticeable effect after treatment, you need to take Detralex (tablets) for about three months. The instructions also mention that the drug can be recommended for prevention purposes. In this case, the duration of use is reduced, but courses must be repeated several times a year.


This group includes the drug Thrombo ass.

Thrombo ass or acetylsalicylic acid

Available in tablet form - 100 mg. Pharmacological effects Thrombo ass combines anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects and has antiplatelet properties. By suppressing the synthesis of vasoconstrictor substances, it does not allow platelets to stick together, which form blood clots and cause occlusion of the vascular lumen. Thrombo Ass is prescribed to persons with diseases of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, angina) and as a prophylaxis for deep vein thrombosis and diabetes mellitus. Dosage Prescribe 1 tablet 1 time per day, at lunch. The course of therapy is determined by the doctor individually. Cost – 50-300 rubles. Important! The drug should not be used by persons with diseases of the digestive system (peptic ulcer), with bronchial asthma, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding and with hemorrhagic diathesis.

The effectiveness of Phlebodia

How do Phlebodia tablets work? The instructions say that the drug is absorbed into the blood within two hours. In this case, the maximum concentration of the product is achieved after five hours. The active substance is not removed from the patient’s body as quickly as in the drug Detralex. This procedure takes approximately 96 hours. In this case, the main excretory organs are the liver, kidneys and intestines.

To achieve the maximum effect of treatment, the drug should be taken from two to six months. In this case, the scheme is selected individually in each case.

Reviews from doctors

Sergey Viktorovich, phlebologist: “I prescribe both drugs for the treatment of varicose veins in the early stages and to alleviate symptoms in the later stages of the disease. But in both cases I use them as part of a comprehensive treatment. Patients did not complain about side effects.”

Maxim Olegovich, phlebologist: “I trust both drugs. Thanks to research, both medicines have confirmed their effectiveness. The choice is determined individually, depending on the overall picture and medical history, the characteristics of the patient’s life. I always recommend combining therapy with diet and physical activity.”

Oleg Vladimirovich, proctologist: “For hemorrhoids, including those aggravated by bleeding, I prescribe Detralex in combination with suppositories. Sometimes clients complain of nausea, but this quickly goes away. In my opinion, the result of the treatment justifies the cost of the drug.”

Side effects of medications

Since the main active ingredient in the drugs is the same, the side effects of Detralex and Phlebodia are similar. These include the following reactions of the body:

  • the appearance of hypersensitivity to diosmin;
  • nausea, vomiting and stool disorders;
  • headache, tinnitus, dizziness.

Very rarely, loss of strength, clouding of consciousness and general weakness may occur. It is worth noting that the drug Phlebodia causes such reactions more often than the drug Detralex.

Medicine prices

What is the price of Detralex? It all depends on what size package you decide to purchase. It is also worth saying that the cost of the medicine may vary in individual regions and pharmacy chains. So, the price for Detralex is in the range from 600 to 700 rubles. In this case, you can buy 30 capsules. If you need a large package (60 tablets), you will have to pay about 1,300 rubles for it.

The price for Phlebodia is slightly different. You can also buy a large or small pack. In this case, the number of capsules in the package will be 15 or 30. For a small pack of Phlebodia, the price is approximately 500 rubles. A large package will cost you from 750 to 850 rubles.

Method of using medicines

The drug "Detralex" is used twice a day. The first capsule intake should be in the middle of the day. It is better to take the tablets during meals. The second dose should be taken in the evening. You can do this at dinner. If you are treating hemorrhoids, you need to take the drug a little differently. Most often, during an exacerbation, it is recommended to take 6 capsules per day. In this case, you can divide the portion of the medicine into several doses. After 4-5 days, when some relief occurs, you need to use the medicine 3 tablets per day. It is recommended to follow this regimen for another 3-4 days.

The drug "Phlebodia" is taken as follows. In the morning at breakfast you need to drink one capsule. After this, the medication is not taken again during the day. When treating acute hemorrhoids, the daily dose of the drug is 2-3 capsules. This scheme must be followed for one week. After this, one tablet is used per day for two months.

As you can see, taking the drug "Phlebodia" is more convenient, but the treatment becomes lengthy.

Venotonic preparations for oral administration


This is the original preparation of the flavonoids diosmin and hesperidin.

Flavonoids are substances that are part of plants and are involved in photosynthesis, protecting plants from harmful environmental influences. They provide their color and attractive appearance.

They are found in citrus fruits, red sweet peppers, onions, sea buckthorn, blueberries, black currants, plums, hawthorn, rowan, eucalyptus, Japanese sophora and other plants.

In fact, Detralex contains 5 flavonoids, but the main ones are diosmin and hesperidin.

What does “original” drug mean? This means that it was the first to appear on the market with this composition. Manufacturers worked on it for 10-15 years to select the most optimal composition, dosage, release form, maximize its bioavailability, and then carefully researched it for effectiveness and safety.

What effects can you expect from taking Detralex?

For vein disease:

  • Pain and swelling are reduced.
  • Less commonly, leg cramps.
  • Heaviness, fatigue in the legs, and a feeling of fullness are reduced.
  • With venous trophic ulcers, healing occurs faster.

For hemorrhoids:

Pain and bleeding are reduced (due to strengthening of the vascular wall).

Composition of Detralex

Detralex 500 (PO tablets):

  • Diosmin 450 mg
  • 4 other flavonoids, including hesperidin – 50 mg

Detralex 1000 (PO tablets):

  • Diosmin 900 mg
  • 4 other flavonoids, including hesperidin – 100 mg

1 sachet of suspension has the same composition as Detralex 1000.


In the production of Detralex, a special micronization technology : under the influence of a stream of air, the particle size of the active substances is reduced to 2 microns. This improves their absorption in the digestive tract and increases the bioavailability of the drug.

Since there are many visitors to the blog who are far from medicine, I will explain:

Bioavailability is the amount of a drug that reaches its site of action in the body. In this case, the venous wall.

Therefore, the higher the bioavailability, the higher the therapeutic effectiveness of the drug.


  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Lactation.

How to take Detralex for vein disease?

Detralex 500:

1 t. in the middle of the day and in the evening with meals. Although I did not find any arguments in favor of taking the drug during the day (and not in the morning) or in the evening. I could still understand this point if Detralex was quickly eliminated from the body. But no. The half-life is 11 hours.

Moreover, I surfed the phlebology forums: doctors recommend taking 2 tablets once in the morning with meals.

But it is better to start with a double dose to check the tolerability of the drug.

In my opinion, it is optimal to offer Detralex 500 to those who have had allergic reactions to medications in the past, so that a person receives a smaller dosage of the substances included in the drug once.

Detralex 1000 and suspension:

1 t. or sachet of suspension 1 time per day (in the morning with meals).

The course for vein disease is at least two months . The drug can be taken without interruption for up to 12 months.

The effect is dose dependent!

Drinking for 2 weeks and quitting because “it doesn’t help” is throwing money away. The first results from treatment with Detralex appear after 2-4 weeks .

The mark on the tablet is not made so that the dosage can be reduced, but solely so that it can be divided to make it easier to take if a person has difficulty swallowing tablets and does not like suspensions.

How to take Detralex for hemorrhoids?

Detralex 500 – 2 t. 3 times a day for 4 days, then 2 t. 2 times a day for 3 days.

Detralex 1000 - 1 t. or sachet in the morning, lunch and evening for 4 days, then 1 t. or sachet in the morning and evening for 3 days.

In case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, offer Detralex 1000 No. 18 tablets - exactly the amount required for the course.

To consolidate the effect for chronic hemorrhoids, the drug is taken 1 t per day for 1-2 months.

Adverse reactions

  • Dizziness, headache, malaise.
  • Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.
  • Itching, urticaria, swelling of the face and lips.

Drug interactions:

Not noted.

Advantages of the drug Detralex

  • This is an original drug that has undergone many clinical studies that have proven its effectiveness and safety.
  • The particles of active ingredients (unlike most analogues) are microscopic in size. This improves their absorption in the digestive tract and increases their therapeutic effectiveness.
  • The drug contains 5 substances (flavonoids) that enhance each other’s effects. Therefore, you can expect that pain, swelling, fatigue, heaviness and cramps in the legs will go away faster than when taking products containing one component.
  • New forms of release for oral administration (Detralex 1000 and suspension) allow you to take the drug for vein disease only once a day.
  • If you have difficulty swallowing tablets, there is Detralex in the form of a suspension.
  • The drug is usually well tolerated. It rarely gives adverse reactions.
  • Detralex is compatible with other medications.
  • Possible for pregnant women.

Questions for the buyer when selling Detralex

When selling Detralex, ask the buyer questions:

  1. Have you been allergic to other medications? (suggest 500 or 1000 mg?)
  2. Do you prefer tablets or suspension?

What should the buyer be warned about when selling Detralex?

  1. Take the drug with food to avoid side effects (meaning abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea).
  2. The first results will be noticeable no earlier than after 2 weeks.
  3. The course of treatment must be at least 2 months. More is better: 3-4-6 months for long-lasting results.
  4. Pain, swelling, and leg cramps will go away faster if you wear compression stockings. Do you have it? (we make a “bridge” to a complex sale).

Synonymous replacement:

Venarus, Phlebaven

Differences between the drug Venarus and the drug Detralex

  1. This is a generic, i.e. There are no sufficient and “correct” clinical studies of its safety and effectiveness. What is “correct”? This means not ordered by the manufacturing company, but honest. This is called a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study.
  2. The composition of the active ingredients is the same, but the quantitative composition of the shell excipients is different. This may reduce the therapeutic effectiveness of the drug and produce more side effects.
  3. The flavonoids in Venarus are not micronized (not crushed). Consequently, the bioavailability of the drug is lower.
  4. No suspension form - Venarus is not suitable for those who have difficulty swallowing tablets.
  5. There is no release form for the treatment of acute hemorrhoids, because... the course requires 36 Venarus 500 tablets or 18 Venarus 1000 tablets. The buyer will have to overpay: purchase either 60 tablets. Venarus 500 (or 30+20, which is even more wasteful), or 30 tab. Venarus 1000.

Differences between the drug Phlebaven and the drug Detralex

  1. This is a generic. I haven’t found any “honest” clinical studies on it.
  2. There is only one dosage - 500 mg, which means taking 2 tons per day.
  3. There is no suspension form - the drug is inconvenient to take for those who have difficulty swallowing.
  4. The qualitative and quantitative composition of the excipients differs. All this (no doubt) affects the therapeutic effectiveness of the drug and its safety.
  5. The manufacturer decided to distinguish itself by coming up with a release form of 32 and 64 tablets. What's the point of this?
  6. There is no convenient release form for the treatment of acute hemorrhoids.

Some thoughts:

The manufacturer writes that this is the only generic Detralex in which flavonoids are micronized.

It is not clear how they micronized them there, and what particle size they ended up with.

But for sure: not a single manufacturer of the original drug will reveal the secrets of its production technology.

People are now obsessed with cheap analogues, but they don’t understand one thing: it’s better not to buy sausages, not to go to McDonald’s, to save on beer, cigarettes and other nasty things, but saving on your health can be very expensive.

Judging by the reviews, Fleboven often causes allergic reactions and abdominal pain.

Phlebodia 600

Contains only diosmin.

Surprisingly, in the instructions we read that the drug not only reduces the distensibility of veins, increases their tone, improves microcirculation, but has an anti-inflammatory effect, blocks the production of free radicals, reduces the adhesion of leukocytes to the venous wall and the delivery of oxygen to it.

I wonder why this is not said about Detralex?

The manufacturer also writes that after administration, diosmin accumulates in the venous wall and remains there for up to 96 hours!

The indications are the same.


  • Increased sensitivity.
  • Persons under 18 years of age.
  • Lactation.

Pregnant women - only as prescribed by a doctor. I think the manufacturer is simply playing it safe. But this still means for you that it is not necessary to recommend it during pregnancy.

How to use?

For vein disease:

1 t. in the morning before meals for 2 months.

For acute hemorrhoids:

The first 4 days, 1 t. 3 times a day with meals, 3 days, 1 t. 2 times a day. To do this, choose a package of 18 tablets .

For chronic hemorrhoids, continue taking 1 t. 1 time per day for 1-2 months.

The question arises: why should you take it BEFORE meals for venous disease, and DURING hemorrhoids? As usual, there are no explanations for this. Sometimes you are amazed at the illogicality of what the manufacturer writes. Maybe you have some thoughts on this?

Side effects:

  • Heartburn, nausea, abdominal pain.
  • Headache.

It turns out that when taking Phlebodia there are fewer side effects. And this is understandable: it contains not five, but one flavonoid. This time. And the daily dosage of diosmin is less. That's two.

Drug interactions:

Not noted.

To summarize:

Differences between the drug Phlebodia and the drug Detralex

  1. It contains only one flavonoid, diosmin.
  2. The daily dosage of diosmin is less.
  3. Diosmin is not micronized, i.e. not crushed, therefore, it begins to act more slowly than Detralex. But the action lasts up to 4 days.
  4. Phlebodia not only prevents the expansion of veins, improves blood circulation in the capillaries, but has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves nutrition of the venous wall, and thereby slows down its damage.
  5. Gives fewer side effects.
  6. No suspension form: inconvenient for those who have difficulty swallowing tablets.

When is the best time to offer a drug based on diosmin alone?

The manufacturer of the drug Detralex assures that the effect is dose-dependent, and the effective dosage of diosmin is 900 mg per day.

Phlebodia contains 600 mg of diosmin. I once took both, and for some reason I liked Phlebodia more: the pain and heaviness in my legs decreased faster.

But if we think logically, a drug based on diosmin alone should be offered in the following cases:

  1. When a buyer purchases venotonic for the first time.
  2. When there are minor symptoms of vein disease: heaviness in the legs, swelling of the legs in the evening, fatigue. For pain, swelling, cramps, and bulging varicose veins, it is better to suggest Detralex.
  3. If a person is allergic to many medications.
  4. If the buyer had abdominal pain, diarrhea, rash, or headache while taking Detralex.

Questions for the buyer

Therefore, if a client asks something “for veins” or “heaviness in the legs,” ask:

  • What else bothers you: leg muscle cramps at night, swelling, pain? Heaviness in your legs and fatigue only in the evening? Are there any bulging veins on your legs?
  • Have you used anything before? What was the effect? Were there any adverse reactions?
  • Are you allergic to any medications?

Synonymous replacement for the drug Phlebodia:

Venolek, Vasoket, Phlebofa, Diosmin.

Features of the drug Phlebofa

This is a diosmin preparation without a film coating - so it is logical to assume that there will be fewer side effects, because it usually contains dyes.

Differences between Phlebofa and Phlebodia:

  • The quantitative and qualitative composition of the excipients is different. This may affect therapeutic effectiveness.
  • There is only one release form - 30 tablets, designed for a month of use.

Everything else is the same as Phlebodia.

Features of the drug Venolek

It contains diosmin not 600 mg, like Phlebodia and Phlebopha, but 500 mg.

Despite the difference in composition, the instructions were almost completely stolen from Detralex.

Same farm. action, same indications, contraindications, side effects.

It is taken similarly to the drug Detralex 500: 1 volume 2 times a day, for acute hemorrhoids - according to the Detralex regimen.


An old, but very effective drug.

It contains a mixture of derivatives of rutin (vitamin P), a substance that also belongs to flavonoids and improves the condition of blood vessels.

His "tricks":

  1. It has an anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect (in addition to the fact that it increases the tone of the veins and reduces the fragility of capillaries).
  2. Prevents platelet aggregation (sticking together) and reduces the likelihood of blood clots. This is very important for varicose veins, because... complications of varicose veins - thrombophlebitis, deep vein thrombosis.
  3. The half-life is 24 hours (versus 11 hours for Detralex).
  4. Contraindications: hypersensitivity only.
  5. Side effects - nothing criminal: rarely allergic reactions.

How to use?

1 caps. 2 times a day with meals. If you experience leg cramps at night, it is best to take it before bed and in the morning. After improvement, switch to a single dose of 1 capsule. per day for a long time (several months).

Drug interactions

Not noted.

Nothing is said about pregnant and lactating women.

Synonymous replacement:



His "tricks":

The active ingredient is red grape leaf extract (essentially the same flavonoids).

The therapeutic effect is quite modest:

  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Reduces their permeability.
  • As a result, it slows down the formation of edema and reduces existing edema.

I would recommend it in the initial stages of varicose veins. You shouldn't expect miracles from him.


  • Increased sensitivity.
  • Age up to 18 years.

How to use?

2 caps. 1 time a day before meals in the morning. If the effect is insufficient, the dose can be increased to 4 caps. in a day.

Course 12 weeks.

Side effects:

  • Rash, itching, urticaria.
  • Stomach discomfort, nausea.

Drug interactions

Not checked

Use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding

What can be said about the effect of drugs on the fetus and newborn baby? Both medications are not recommended for use during breastfeeding. There is still no definitive data on the effect of the drug on the quality of breast milk. However, scientists have found that the active substance penetrates the blood and enters the milk ducts.

When it comes to varicose veins during pregnancy, experts recommend using Phlebodia. This is explained by the fact that there is no accurate data on the use of Detralex during this period of time. However, due to the fact that the drug is quite new, many doctors do not prescribe it, but prefer to recommend analogues.

What to choose for varicose veins

It is difficult to give a clear answer as to whether Detralex for varicose veins or Phlebodia 600 is better. It is necessary to take into account the severity of the pathology, the presence of concomitant nosology, financial capabilities and tolerability of the drug. There are often situations when medications with the same active ingredient are tolerated completely differently.

The reason may be hidden in the excipients. Patients respond differently to treatment, which also needs to be taken into account. Therefore, the final decision on the best choice of medicine for varicose veins should be made by a specialist who can take into account all the nuances, and, if necessary, change the dose, cancel or change the medicine.

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