When a patient complains of pain in the heart area or the doctor has any suspicions,
The average heart rate when running and monitoring its norm is very serious. Any physical activity
Features and advantages of vacutainers A three-component system for collecting venous blood consists of: a sterile vacuum
Equations [edit | edit code ] Let a be the radii of the circles, the origin of coordinates
A blood test is the most common type of laboratory test, used for almost all diseases. Accuracy
Download Slideshow PDF file The patient's diary is completed independently. Filling out the diary is a mandatory condition for conducting the survey.
The splenic artery is a blood vessel that supplies blood to the spleen. The spleen is an organ
Echoencephalography is a diagnostic neurophysiological study of the structure of the brain, aimed at identifying its pathological processes.
Key questions: Definition and concept of diabetes. Normal blood glucose numbers. Glucose in urine. Glycated
Read interesting information about people with negative Rh factor blood. Blood is one of the most important