Instructions for use of the drug Ramilong - at what pressure and how to take it?
Brief information about the drug Blood pressure medicine Ramilong belongs to the pharmacological group of drugs
Pain when inhaling in the chest on the left, right: reasons, what to do
Chest pain is a rather unpleasant sensation that can be life-threatening. Timing is important
Taste of blood in the mouth: causes
The main reasons for the development of pathological taste in the mouth and ways to eliminate it
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
Features of disturbances of uteroplacental blood flow
Uteroplacental blood flow in normal and pathological conditions
Stage 1a uteroplacental blood flow disorder is a phenomenon in which the fetus receives insufficient oxygen.
Treatment of organic damage to the central nervous system of children | Doctor Bersenev
F00-F09 Organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders
Organic lesions of the central nervous system are a group of various neuropsychiatric disorders that develop as a result of the effects on the brain of various
RDW in a blood test: what is it, norm by age, reasons for increase and decrease
Blood provides metabolism, nutrition and even respiration of all cells and tissues in
sodium in food
Sodium in the blood is high or low: what is the norm for women?
Sodium in food: main sources in the diet Sodium enters the body with food and,
Daily blood pressure monitoring - who is prescribed and why, interpretation of results
24-hour blood pressure (BP) monitoring is a modern research method. This diagnosis takes into account daily
5 Best Wrist and Chest Monitors for Heart Rate Monitoring in 2021
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The boy has a nosebleed
If a child's platelets are low, what does this mean?
Each blood element performs its own function in the body, which is why it is so important that their levels
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